Friday, 17 February 2012

Chicken and Green Grapes Salad Recipe

Grapes are very famous for its sweet and tart taste. The grapes are very healthy Fruit which also increase the longevity of a person. These are not only used as fruit but also used in wide range of items and recipes one of them is as in Salad. In this post we are publishing the recipe Chicken and Green grape Salad recipe follow the instructions:

  1. One small bowl seedless green grapes 
  2. Two and half small bowls chopped cooked chicken
  3. One small bowl finely diced celery
  4. One small bowl diced walnuts
  5. One table spoon crushed onion
  6. One table spoon salt 
  7. Half small bowl beating cream
  8. One cup mayonnaise
  9. Salad green Garnishes
    1. Ripe olives
    2. Sweet pickles
    3. Parsley
    4. Julienne strips of chicken

  • Take a large bowl, put chopped and cooked chicken, diced celery, seedless green grapes, diced walnuts, crushed onion and salt and combine all these ingredients.
  • Beat cream and combine it with the mayonnaise for making dressing for salad.
  • Cover Chicken and Grapes Salad mixture with this dressing and put into refrigerator for 3 to 4 hours.
  • After 3 to 4 hours take salad from refrigerator and garnish with green salad and with ripe olives, sweet pickles, parsley, julienne strips of chicken.
  • Finally Chicken and Green Grapes Salad is ready so serve immediately.

Serving Counts:-
From the above ingredients you can serve four to five people. 

  • 100 grams of grapes provide 69 calories of energy.


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